Bariles has always been fascinated by the mausoleums inside the sprawling 19-hectare Forest Lake San Carlos Memorial Park ever since he and his family started visiting the place to pay respects for their dead.  He had an inkling on how expensive these edifices must have cost and was curious about the identities of the rich and famous buried inside these small burial houses of different designs.

While he and his family of mortals along with thousands of  other cemetery visitors would just spread themselves out on the grass on top of their dearly departed’s burial lots during All Saints and All Souls Day, Bariles would notice the small parties undergoing inside these mausoleums.  Some would even have private masses presided inside their edifices.  Eventually, it was his mother, Maria, a public school principal who would whisper to him who these people were.

And so now, in the spirit of the season of the departed souls, GenSan News Online Mag is featuring these mausoleums which have fascinated Bariles as a kid, to show you the state of Mausoleum Architecture in GenSan and make you realize the extent of how the rich and famous of General Santos City care for their dead.

Thanks to both Bariles and Marz for these pictures.  Identities of the owners of each mausoleum, to follow soon…(misplaced my list..hehehe)

"The FALGUI FAMILY Mausoleum"
The Yabon Family Mausoleum
"The Yabon Family Mausoleum"
The Barreras Family Mausoleum
"The Barreras Family Mausoleum"
"The Maduramente Family Mausoleum"

"The Congson Family Mausoleum"

Mausoleum #6 belongs to the ........
"Mausoleum #6 belongs to the BULAONG FAMILY."

The Du-Enojado Family Mausoleum
"The Du-Enojado Family Mausoleum"

"The Catolico Family Mausoleum"

"The Espanola Family Mausoleum"

"The Laiz Family Mausoleum"

"The Mirabueno Family Mausoleum"

"The Panlaque Family Museum"

"The Sabando Family Mausoleum"

Mausoleum #13 belongs to the.....
"The Pontino-De Jesus Family Mausoleum"

"The Pontino Family Mausoleum"

"The Lopez Family Mausoleum"

"The CM Seranillo Family Mausoleum"

"The Gonzales Family Mausoleum"

More pictures coming up in Part II of this feature.