It is again that time of the year when all STI schools nationawide prepare for and conduct the STI National Youth Convention.
The STI National Youth Convention (NYC) is an annual student convention organized for STI students to provide a venue for sharing trailblazing ideas for three institutional purposes: (1) Supplement their classroom learning through other knowledge channels; (2) Generate awareness, interest and critical thinking; and finally (3) inculcate the lifelong learning skills essential for productivity and competitiveness in the job market. In totality, the NYC aims to develop the STI Attributes needed by our STI students to succeed in their professional careers.
The theme for this year’s 19th STI NYC is “SOCIAL MEDIA and ME: Discover the real life impact of every like, share & post. Once again three mind-blowing topics shall provide STI students a firm grasp on how to be responsible with their social media life. STIers can be considered a privileged lot because the convention introduces them to a growing perspective among cyber communities to work towards an ethical and socially responsible online behavior.
The first topic “WE ARE WHAT WE LIKE: THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA” talks about the advantages and disadvantages of social media. This topic will elaborate on how we deal with the benefits that social media brings to our daily lives and the harm it does when abused. Veteran NYC speaker Spanky Enriquez tackles this topic as he recalls his real-world experiences as a Social Media consultant.
The theme for this year’s 19th STI NYC is “SOCIAL MEDIA and ME: Discover the real life impact of every like, share & post.
The second topic is “THINK BEFORE YOU ACT: ACT AGAINST CYBERBULLYING.” This topic is quite popular with ‘millennials’ and even professionals because there have been frequent occasion when the bully becomes the one being bullied. Cyberbullying advocate Sonnie Santos gives his unique take on this topic as he elaborates when bullying occurs and what we can do when being seriously bullied.
The third topic is entitled “I CARE TO SHARE – ONLINE RECRUITMENT & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES.” One of the things that make Social Media exciting is the fact that it can enhance our personal brand or portfolio to apply for jobs. The speaker will also discuss different qualities that employers look for in a job applicant. Handling this topic is Edwin Ebreo who is President of ExeQserve HR Solutions. A seasoned Human Resources consultant, Edwin’s insights on being an STI cyber applicant will give STI students the competitive advantage on how to get a job online.
The STI NYC started its first leg last November 29, 2013 at the CAP John Hay Trade and Cultural Center in Baguio city wherein 3000 students from 13 STI schools in Northern Luzon attended. The 19th STI NYC will be going to Iloilo City, Bacolod City, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro City, Gen. Santos City, Davao City, Naga City and Puerto Princesa City from January to March 2014.
STI College GenSan will have their 19th STI National Youth Convention on February 26, 2014 at the KCC Convention and Events Center.
The biggest delegation will be the Metro Manila NYC where 24,000 students from 42 STI schools in Metro Manila and nearby environs will be at hand to witness the event from February 4 to 7, 2014 at the Aliw Theatre in Pasay City. At the end of the STI NYC, another 35,000 STIers will be equipped with the latest in social media and more importantly spread the idea of socially-responsbile netizens.
For more information on the 19th STI NYC please like the STI official fan page at facebook/, our STI NYC fan page facebook/stinyc, follow them on twitter @STIat30, check out their tumblr blog at and follow their instagram page at sti_nyc or simply check their posts at #19thstinyc.
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