15-year old Prexy Korina Whittmer, representing Barangay Bula bested 13 other young hopefuls in the Finals Night of the Search for Ms. Teen GenSan 2008, at the Oval Plaza Covered Court, to win the title and take home ten thousand pesos.  This is a project of the Sangguniang Kabataan in celebration of the International Youth Day on August 12, 2008.

Here is the story written by guest writer, Allanloi Villanueva.

Barangay Bula bagged the Miss Teen Earth 2008 title from among the 12 other candidates in the first ever Miss Teen Gensan beauty pageant in celebration of the 1st International Youth Day at  the oval covered court on August 12, 2008.

Ms. Teen Earth – GenSan Prexy Korina Whittmer

Prexy Korina Whittmer impressed the judges after answering the final question with the right combination of grace, wit and confidence to bag the award. She earlier received the Miss Coke Zero award and bagged another award for the best in evening gown.

Other winners include Genevieve Mutia of Barangay Calumpang (Ms. Teen Water); Fermelyn Reyes of Barangay Dadiangas East (Miss Teen Air) and Karen Claire Barbon of Barangay City Heights (Miss Teen Fire).

Miss Whittmer (Ms. Teen Earth) received ten thousand pesos in cash, trophy and sash, seven thousand for Ms.  Mutia, five thousand pesos for Ms. Reyes and three thousand pesos for Ms. Barbon and consolation prize of one thousand pesos for the non – winning candidates.

Miss Teen Gensan will represent the city in the Miss Teen Philippines pageant as planned by the Sangguniang Kabataan officials of Gensan led by Federation Chair Honorable Jane Calunsag.

The pageant was the highlight of the first  celebration of the IYD.  It is an inter-barangay search open to female teens of Gensan ages 13 to 17.

(From left)  Karen Claire Barbon of Barangay City Heights (Ms. Teen Fire); Genevieve Mutia of Barangay Calumpang (Ms. Teen Water); Prexy Korina Whittmer (Ms. Teen Earth-GenSan); Fermelyn Reyes of Barangay Dadiangas East (Ms. Teen Air)

A close door interview was held last August  9,2008 that composed 40% of the total score while the remaining 60% was taken from their score in the pageant night.

Winners were judged according to their Intelligence and Communications Skills 40%, Personality, Poise and Grace under pressure 30%  and Beauty of Face and figure 30%.

The SK officials’ hard work paid off after having successfully achieving their goals in the celebration of the International Youth Day.  It is also expected that a grander celebration will happen next year.

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