Round I is now ongoing for Smart Communications‘ new social development initiative that aims to enable through technology ongoing efforts that foster learning and the spread of social good acts or “smart acts”.  This is the payITfwd program.

Beginning last May 20, 2013 and up to August 30, 2013, Smart has been accepting entries from individuals or groups that are doing community-based projects meant to expand knowledge.  The second round  of this nationwide competition is from September 9 to November 30, 2013.

According to Smart’s Public Affairs Group Head, Ramon Isberto, “The goal of payITfwd is to support, promote, expand, enhance, reward and enable social good efforts that foster learning through technology. With payITfwd, social good advocates can scale up and even encourage the public to support their cause.”

Entries to the payITfwd competition must be submitted in a video format showing an overview of the project, its impact to the recipient community, and how technology can enable the project or further spread its benefits.

Smart will “payITfwd” by awarding five tablets, Smart Bro load worth P3,000, Smart Bro Pocket Wi-Fi, and cash prize worth P50,000 to 20 teams with the best projects.

As Rey Bufi of The Storytelling Project (TSP) adds, “If you have something good to share, then share it. I believe that it is our social responsibility to share what we know, what we have, and what we can do for other people. It does not matter how small or big it is, what matters most is that you sincerely share yourself with others because your story, your words, your actions, your donations, your small act of kindness may become someone’s inspiration and may change someone’s life completely.”

The complete mechanics to Smart’s payITfwd may be accessed at