If you happen to pass through Aparente Avenue lately on your way to City Heights, you will notice a building under construction at the corner of the road leading inside the Provido Subdivision, just a few meters from the National Highway.
This actually belongs to World Flyweight Champ Manny Pacquiao and is his second two-storey mixed use commercial building in General Santos City even before the first one has been fully occupied.
Artist’s Sketch of the MJP Building of Manny Pacquiao which is still under construction along Aparente Avenue. (Click for a larger view.)
If the first one along Osmena South is named JMP Building (after Jinky & Manny Pacquiao), this one will be known as MJP Building (with Manny’s initial coming up first). It is also designed by the same guy, Architect Rex Acdal.
The JMP Building of Manny Pacquiao along South Osmena Street which still has to be fully occupied. (Click for a larger view.)
My blog post about the first Pacquiao Building elicited a lot of comments from readers who either loved or hated the design. Making the matters more interesting is a response from a person who said that he was Architect Rex Acdal, challenging everyone to take up Architecture and come up with better designs. Replies to the diatribe of this person, who I unmasked later as an impostor, flew off the roof.
The JMP Building along South Osmena at night (Click for a larger view.)
Then, a few weeks later, another email from “The Real Rex Acdal” appeared, which was really from him (I talked to the architect personally about it) and this time, giving the readers his thoughts about his design of the Pacquiao South Osmena Building.
Here’s what the “Real Architect Rex Acdal” wrote, unedited. Highlighted words are courtesy of Bariles:
Hello guys,its only now that i was able 2 read some of ur comments regarding d new pacquiao bldg. ur comments amused me (sori,i wasnt able 2 read d others).i hope d author cud update u w/ d latest picture wherein ur concern about d parking will b answered(we have parking slots n front of d bldg). I cant put here n detail d rationale behind d design,it wil take me until morning 2 do so.but i promise,every detail has meaning & purpose.every mass,every plain & curve has intentions.d “sashimi plate” was inspired by d hull of fishing boats.those “trellised” balconies & sunshades were designed to minimise d effect of d radiant heat.the color scheme?…well,green goes well w/ earth tones…and is d favorite color of my client.how wud u feel i u see a mountain,all clay w/o a tree?…dry,monotonous,lifeless.we filipinos love color,we are hapi pipol. Watch out guys, BLUGRE CAFE is coming to town…syempre sa bldg ni pacman. Architecture is the mother of ol arts `coz its 3 dimensional & u can feel d space.it is also more art than science.for me,that bldg of pacman is ARThitecture. i hope some of u cud get inside it and feel the space. Some may not like it(they are entitled to their opinion & i respect it),but im proud to have created it…IM PROUD TO HAVE CREATED SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT!….why follow when u can be a step ahead?..GUDNYT GUYS!THANKS!
And so with that, I hope you dear readers will be more than clarified on the first building’s design’s intent and purpose and that you will be more objective with your opinions about this second Pacquiao Building along Aparente Avenue, parang awa ninyo na.
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