For people in General Santos City and the outlying areas who love Chinese Food, here is a piece of good news!
Chowking, the #1 Chinese Fastfood Restaurant chain in the country is set to open its second branch in General Santos City to augment its first one at the KCC Mall of GenSan!
The new Chowking which will be a stand-alone branch will be housed at the Yap property now being constructed beside the Land Bank Branch Building along the National Highway. It is right across the 24-hour Jollibee outlet of the Teng Family.
The restaurant is reportedly company-owned and it will just be leasing the area provided by the Yaps. There is no word yet on whether it will operated on a 24-hour basis just like its neighbor across the road but Bariles feels that it should.
Traffic along the National Highway is on a 24/7 roll and if the Jollibee outlet there was able to survive, then the owners of Chowking should not have any worries.
And besides, they should just take into consideration the proliferation of lugawan and arros caldohan eateries in these areas to realize that nocturnal businesses offering piping hot dishes could survive in these parts.

Bariles who took the photo of the construction above, observed that the building stands perpendicular to the National Highway, owing to the limited size of the property. This means that the only way for cars to get in is to enter from the right side of the highway, facing west. Problem is, this is right in the center of the junction where the traffic light signal system is situated.
This could prove to be a major bottleneck in the area.
However, Bariles still believes that there is nothing that could not be solved through dialogues between the Chowking owners and the local government who handles traffic matters. What should be first and foremost in the minds of both parties is to come up with a win-win solution redounding to the benefit of the people of GenSan, both investors and the buying public alike.
And all these are for the continued development of the Tuna Capital! (nosebleed)
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