Bariles managed to drop by GenSan’s Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage Parish at 10:30am today, Sunday in time for the godparents of Queen Elizabeth, the precious 2nd daughter of King Manny and Queen Jinky Pacquaio to arrive one by one.

The parish priest Fr. Edward Loberiano, CP was kind enough to allow Queenie have her own Special Baptism, apart from the earlier 10:00am baptism for the rest of the babies of the parish.  “We don’t want a pandemonium here and make everything difficult not only for us but for Manny’s guests, most of whom having to fly here from Manila” he said while surveying the gathering congregation inside his church.

Misa de Gallo inside OLPGV

I spotted Queenie’s richest Ninang and the lady to whom the soon-to-open Robinsons Place GenSan is named after, the simply elegant and gracious Robina Gokongwei-Pe.  I engaged her to a small tete-a-tete to which she revealed that she was supposed to be here for the Robinsons Tenants Conference but had to beg off due to a meeting for her son’s new school.  She then asked me who the pretty ninangs were beside her since nobody seemed to be introducing them to each other.  I had to get event organizer and Blue Gre owner Gatchi to help out.

In a little while, the other godparents trickled in.  You would know because of the ruckus which ensue once the gawkers inside the church spot them.  And they all came, kings and queens from far-away lands, to accompany Queenie on her first step to becoming a Christian – (in order of their entrance)  Senator Bong Revilla, Philip Salvador, Senator Jinggoy Estrada, Senator Migs Zubiri, Senator Loren Legarda, Congressman Monico Puentevella, Vice President Noli de Castro, ABS-CBN’s Korina Sanchez, couple Eddie and Annabelle Gutierrez, among others.

Order was somehow restored when Davao Archbishop Armando Capalla, DD proceeded with the Opening Prayer leading to the christening ceremony.  That did not stop the photographers to hover around Manny and Jinky and their baby Queenie when it was time for the 30 or so present godparents to take turns in blessing the sleeping baby on the forehead with a sign of the cross.

Here are some of the pictures I took which you may click on for larger views:

Robina Gokongwei-Pe and Dyan Castillejo

Robinsons’ Robina Gokongwei-Pe and ABS-CBN’s Dyan Castillejo

Ninong Wakee Salud

Cebu Boxing Promoter Ninong Wakee Salud

Senators Bong Revilla, Jinggoy Estrada & Vice Pres Noli de Castro

Ninong Senators Bong Revilla, Jinggoy Estrada and Vice-President Noli de Castro at the front pew

Jinky & Manny Pacquiao with Queenie

Pink-cladded Jinky and Manny with Baby Queenie


Action Star Philip Salvador

Davao Bishop Capalla & Fr. Edward Loberiano, CP

Davao Archbishop Fernando Capalla & OLPGV Parish Priest Fr. Edward Loberiano, CP

Ninong Eddie Gutierrez & Ninang Korina Sanchez

Annabelle & Eddie Gutierrez with ABS-CBN’s Korina Sanchez

Ninang Annabelle Rama

Ninang Annabelle Rama and her jewels

Senator Legarda beside Manny, Jinky, Princess & Mommy Dionisia

Senator Loren Legards beside Manny, baby Queenie,  Jinky, Princess & Mommy Dionisia.  Take note of the people taking pics of the guests who seemed unmindful.

Philip Salvador et al

Philip Salvador, Quinito Henson, Congressman Monica Puentevella, etc.

Atty. Tom Falgui

Ninong & Former GenSan City Councilor Atty. Tom Falgui

Blue Gre's Gatchi

Event Organizer and Blue Gre Cafe Owner Gatchi

Watch out for more pictures from the Baptismal Party at KCC Mall of GenSan Convention Center soon!