In simple but meaningful rites at the RC Martinez Resort in Kidapawan City, North Cotabato, the new officers of the Alpha Phi Omega General Santos Alumni Association Maharlika (APO-GAAM) were inducted into office on July 13, 2013.

Inducting Officer was APO National President Bro. Maminatal “Mike” T. Taha, himself a resident of Kidapawan City.

apo gensan, alpha phi omega, apo gaam
APO-GAAM officers led by President Gerry Arbis (10th from right) take their oath before APO National Prexy Mike Taha at the RC Martinez Resort in Kidapawan City. Blog author is 5th from right.

The GenSan APO Officers took their vows in a Mass Oath Taking ceremony, along with other Alumni Associations of the fraternity, and the Collegiate Officers of various APO chapters in its SouthEastern Mindanao Administrative Region’s colleges and universities.

This activity was part of a day-long Thanksgiving event of Alpha Phi Omega International (Philippines), Inc.,  which gathered brods and sis from across Region 11 and 12 to converge in Kidapawan City.  This of course, included the APO-GAAM members who traveled all the way from General Santos City, led by their new President, Bro. Gerardo Arbis, of the famous Gerardo’s School of Culinary Arts.

Prior to the mass oathtaking, the participating members held a motorcade around the city, ending up at the scenic and picturesque RC Martinez Resort owned by APO Alumni Association of Kidapawan Prexy Bro. Leonardo “Jun” Martinez.


This was followed by an Orientation of APO Code of By-Laws ably presented by Bro. Luis A. Paredes, Chairman of the Board of the National APO Council.  Capping the day was a festive and fun Victory Program hosted by the active group of APOAA Kidapawan who did a fine job making it happen.

Here below is the list of the new APO-GAAM officers, who all vowed to lead their fraternity/sorority brothers and sisters in committing their time to activities where they could be of service to their fellow generals.

  • PRESIDENT                                      –     Bro. Gerry Arbis
  • VICE PRESIDENT – EXTERNAL    –      Bro. Mike Pena
  • VICE PRESIDENT – INTERNAL     –      Sis. Joan Macalangcom
  • SECRETARY                                     –     Bro. Wilfredo Bangiban
  • TREASURER                                     –    Sis. Antonette Edris
  • AUDITOR                                           –     Bro. Jerson Sabado
  • PIO                                                      –    Sis. Renee Baja
  • FELLOWSHIP CHAIR                      –     Sis. Schiva Hassan
  • PUBLICATION OFFICER                –       Bro. Avel Manansala
  • SERGEANT-AT-ARMS                    –      Bro. Jesus dela Cruz; Bro. Gumer Liston
APO GenSan Officers
(FROM L-R) Publication Officer Avel Manansala, Treasurer Antonette Edris, Fellowship Chair Shiva Hassan, VP External Joan Macalangcom, Prexy Gerry Arbis, Secretary Weng Bangiban, PIO Renee Baja, Auditor Jerson Sabado, & Sgt-at-Arms Jesus dela Cruz. Not in photo are VP Internal Mike Pena & Sgt-at-Arms Gumer Liston

Congratulations to this new breed of officers of the APO-GAAM!  With dedicated men and women in your fold,  may you be successful in your pledge to be one of the best APO Alumni Chapters ever in the annals of its distinguished history!

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