Have you finally jumped on the Instagram bandwagon? Perhaps you’ve owned an account for a long time but have yet to tap into its potential? Either way, you’ve landed on this page for one reason – you want to increase your Instagram reach.
It can be demoralizing if you’re struggling to build a following on Instagram. You might post great visual content, but it fails to gain any traction due to a lack of reach.
While you may have tried advertising directly on Instagram, don’t think you’re only restricted to this one platform. There are alternative methods to promote your Instagram account, as the following five tips help demonstrate.
1. Use a marketing agency
If you’re willing to invest money into your Instagram venture, there’s always the option of going with a digital marketing agency. If you choose an outlet like Click Intelligence, they can promote your Instagram in a variety of ways – either directly or indirectly. With that said, you’ll most likely want to go with their specialist Instagram advertising package.
2. Cross-promote on other social media
One easy starting point is to interlink your Instagram account with your other social media. Whether this is Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube, you should make sure your Instagram content is shared on these platforms.
On specific platforms, you can set it up so Twitter, for example, automatically posts an update when you upload a new image on Instagram. Alternatively, you can upload the content directly onto your other social media – just remember to include a backlink to Instagram!
3. Include posts on your website
If you have a website with a significant following, it would be stupid not to incorporate your Instagram in some way. As a starting point, you should have your Instagram posts automatically show up in a specific widget on your site.
In addition, when you create articles on your site’s blog, try and include those Instagram posts when possible. This not only gives your article visual appeal, but it’s an easy way to promote your Instagram.
4. Run a competition
Who doesn’t love to enter a competition? They’re a great way to gain interest in your brand, and you get a lot of people to enter if you offer a particularly enticing prize.
There are various different ways in which you can create a competition. Most web building platforms feature a plug-in for competitions, and options like Gleam are also available.
So how does this link to Instagram? Well, for instance, you can make one of the entry requirements to follow your Instagram account. If the competition gains traction, you could gain hundreds, possibly even thousands of new followers in a short space of time.
5. Add to traditional marketing
Do you utilize traditional marketing methods like leaflets and brochures? If so, don’t forget to mention your Instagram username. It can be easy to ignore the digital side of your advertising with these traditional techniques, but it can be an effective way to get the word out about your social media presence.
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