UPDATE:  (October 6, 2008; 11am)  Registration for the 2nd MBS is now officially closed.  We will be sending e-tickets via email to the 115 qualified registrants.  Congratulations!  Check back for more updates.

With still a month and four days to go before the biggest eyeball of Mindanao Bloggers on October 25-26, 2008, we are now opening the registration for those interested to join it.

This is the 2nd Mindanao Bloggers Summit which will be held at the Family Country Hotel and Convention Center.

Who are eligible for joining?

  • Any past or present Mindanao resident, regardless of age or creed, as long as he has a BLOG published in any of the following platforms: WordPress, Blogger, Livejournal, I.ph, Multiply, Friendster, Imeem, or any social networking site with BLOGGING Capabilities.

Is there a registration fee?

  • There is no registration fee. But we have only 100 slots available.

How does one register?

  • First you have to copy the code for the i-am-joining-the-MBS2 button below and paste it on your sidebar or anywhere appropriate in your blog front page.

CODE UPDATED 10/01/2008
Make sure to Copy and Paste the ff code your blog in HTML MODE

  • Then, you have to WRITE an ARTICLE entitled, “I’M GOING TO GENSAN FOR MBS2” (or any similar title) and say anything on the topic.
  • Include the names and URL’s of the MBS2 Sponsors and Supporters by copying the SPONSORS CODE below and pasting them on the article.

CODE UPDATED 10/03/2008
Make sure to Copy and Paste the ff code your blog in HTML MODE

  • After publishing your article, write a message here together with the complete URL of the blog post.
  • We will then write to you confirming that you have complied with all the requirements.

If you have been accepted already and is a REGISTERED PARTICIPANT to-be, you are entitled to the following:

  • Summit Kit
  • 3 Meal Coupons
  • Sashimi Night Pass
  • Raffle Ticket
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • October 26 Tour Pass
  • More Freebies!!!

Here are some sample registrants…. please click on their names:

So to all of you who have a blog or know somebody who blogs, please inform them of this wonderful piece of news which will give them a chance to be at the BIGGEST BLOGGERS EYEBALL in Mindanao this year!

DEADLINE OF REGISTRATION is October 11, 2008 or until the slots for the 100 registrants run out. Only those who fulfill all the requirements can JOIN IN THE RAFFLES during the SASHIMI NIGHT.

So what are you waiting for? REGISTER NOW to be welcomed aboard MBS2!

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