As a sign of gratitude to all the readers, visitors and subscribers of GenSan News Online Mag, Bariles has come up with a Fun Page where they can test their knowledge about General Santos City. This is through a Top FREE Internet Game called Hangaroo, and its General Santos City Edition



If you know the Hangman’s Game where the object is to guess all the letters of a mystery word to avoid the Hangman’s noose around your neck, then this top free Internet game Hangaroo has basically the same concept. This time, however, Bariles with the help of his SEO teacher Lyle Santos, did a few adjustments to be able to come up with an exclusive GenSan edition.

In this GenSan edition, a player needs to guess the words associated with General Santos City, most of which came out in Bariles Republic’s GenSan News Online Mag. Hangaroo GenSan Edition’s initial set of mystery words have been divided into categories which serve as the words’ clues – STREETS, RESTAURANTS, LEADERS – POLITICAL, LEADERS – BUSINESS, LEADERS- RELIGION, TOURIST SPOTs, FESTIVALS, COFFEE SHOPS and a few more.

These will be updated later on and more words/categories will be added. So what are you waiting for?  Play on the board below or you can go to Hangaroo-GenSan Edition’s own page by CLICKING HERE.

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